The Colel Chabad Pushka makes daily giving easier and faster by bringing the charity box to the 21st century. No need to find cash, bring your charity box to the shul, or fill out long online forms. Feeling charitable? Want to do a good deed? We’ve got you covered. Make the world a bit brighter with just one tap. Simply select the customizable shortcut amount you wish to give, and watch your Pushka reach its goal, when you're done you can choose to empty it and start over.
GET STARTED FAST Simply select how often you would like to empty you're Pushka, select a Pushak goal and your done
Keep this pushkah in your pocket - 24/6.
כולל חב''ד - צדקת רבי מאיר בעל הנס בארץ הקודש ת''ו נוסד ע''י כ''ק רבנו הגדול רבי שניאור זלמן נבג''ם זי''ע בנשיאות כ''ק אדמו''ר מליובאוויטש רבי מנחם מענדל שניאורסאהן
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