Book your desired services from reliable and affordable professionals in seconds. Pick your price and get low demand hours discounts while booking services. Wishlist your favourite services and professionals, compare their ratings or leave a review. Choose to be smart, save money and slash your time spent on getting things done for Personal & living services.
Get access to hundreds of services with best deals. Receive instant booking confirmation with safe & secure digital payment. Share your referral link with friends and save even more money.
What’s offered:
- Find local services, offers and choose from a variety of categories - Auto Care, Beauty, Hair Care, and more on Slash app.
- Discover qualified service professionals and get competitive rates for their services.
- Get Low demand and seasonal discounts every time you book a service.
- Wishlist services and professional to book in future on Slash
- Stay in control of your time – Book or Cancel bookings at any time.
- Instant booking confirmation - Say goodbye to phone calls and long processes for scheduling appointments.
- Rate professionals and leave a review after service is completed.
- Payment is held securely and will only be transferred once the service is completed.
Slash is a reliable, easy, and smart way to book local services.
Get it done! Download the SlashApp now!