Simple calculator.
Made with practicality in mind, Calculator is a simple and easy calculator app, ideal for your daily use.
It's easy to use, with large buttons, a clean and elegant design, and it offers the basic functionality most people need for everyday calculations.
For example, Calculator is perfect in situations like adding up income, calculating taxes or discounts while shopping, doing homework for school, some calculations at your place of work, or even when you calculate a tip at restaurants.
*This is a free version of Calculator, which does not contain ads at the bottom of the screen.
- Beautiful, simple and elegant design
- Easy to use, with large buttons to minimize errors.
- Option to choose between vibrate/sound.
- Option to enable/disable vibration on contact.
- Option to enable / disable sounds by pressing.
- Backspace button to delete the last digit to correct a simple error.
- Backspace button can also clear everything by pressing and holding it.
- Displays operator symbols on buttons.
- Displays your calculations with thousands separators to make it easy to read.
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[email protected]Thanks!