“Olly’s top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work – and you will too!” – Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers
“As researchers in language acquisition, we need to study people like [Olly Richards]”. – Stephen Krashen, Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California
“Olly’s advice on language learning is the real deal, and I recommend you pay attention to what he has to say!” – Benny Lewis, Fluent in 3 Months
“When we wanted to create a free online course on how to learn a language we asked Olly to write it with us.” – Dr Tita Beaven, The Open University
“Olly bridges the gap between theory and practice by helping you to use scientific principles to get real results with your language learning.” – Anthony Metivier, Magnetic Memory Method
Expand your vocabulary and improve your comprehension in an enjoyable and natural way: Read in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian or English and improve your language learning skills!
The Short Stories collection is designed to give you a sense of achievement, a feeling of progress and most importantly - enjoyment!
Each foreign language reader gives you:
• Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you acquire a wide range of new vocabulary
• Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently
• Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability
• Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way
• Vocabulary lists so you can quickly look up unfamiliar words without interrupting your flow.
• Chapter summaries and comprehension questions to help you follow the plot and understand the story.
• Enjoyment! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading or listening in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration – “It's too hard!” “I don't understand!”
The Beginners collection is for students from high-beginner to low-intermediate level (A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference).
Intermediate is for low-intermediate to intermediate learners (B1-B2)! You can also purchase a sample to read a story before you buy the full collection.
Discover the joy of being entertained in a foreign language, while learning new skills at the same time – Short Stories for Beginners in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian or English!
These stories are Ideal for self-study, as well as in the classroom as supplementary learning material. If you are interested in using this content with your students, contact
[email protected]What the experts say:
“As researchers in language acquisition, we need to study people like [Olly Richards]”. -Stephen Krashen, Emeritus Professor, University of Southern California
“Olly's advice on language learning is the real deal, and I recommend you pay attention to what he has to say!” - Benny Lewis, Fluent in 3 Months
“When we wanted to create a free online course on how to learn a language we asked Olly to write it with us”. - Dr Tita Beaven, The Open University