hey frens we know why you're here: you're in school and and you wanna meet new friends, play games in chat, and most of all:
we gotchu! welcome to cult, where it's okay to be mostly good, and sometimes a little bad ;P but *always* having fun with your squad
how it works:
- join your school
- build up ur profile
- answer polls about classmates
- hop on the daily game and WHOOP everyone's butt while taunting them on voice chat
- podium the entire school and unlock special powers
you might cross paths with ur crush in this app. you're definitely gonna get alotta compliments too. it's gonna make you feel good, so don't let it go to your head**
at this point, if you're a little scared and a little excited at the same time, it's because those are the exact emotions you should be having rn
that's it. that's all i have to say. if you're *still* reading this, you went too far and should've already downloaded the app by now -- txt me at 669.302.9275 (yes that's my iMsg) and personally tell me why. good or bad, ill be happy to hear from you!