Ever have trouble finding class group chats?Looking for a free service to help with academics?
Then CourseLnk is for you!
CourseLnk is a social media platform that connects users in the same courses, faculties and extracurriculars. We have thousands of premade group chats that allow students to connect like never before!
Connect with Classmates:
CourseLnk provides users with various tools to help make academic cooperation as easy as possible. Within class group chats, users can tag posts as a question, note, assignment or exam related content. Users can then filter for these posts using the filter feature in the top right corner. Finding relevant information in class group chats has never been easier!
Find faculty members:
Do you ever need advice on what bird course to take, or which professor to choose within a class? CourseLnk also gives users access to faculty chats, where students can reach out to more senior members of their faculty.
Extend your extracurriculars:
Users are also able to join extracurricular group chats for intramurals, study groups, clubs and any other organizations. Don’t see what you're looking for? Use the ‘add group’ feature to create new groups.
Get Involved:
Users can ‘clip’ engaging or helpful posts by double tapping them, which instantly saves them to their profile page. Total clips are recorded and displayed in group chat settings. Never lose track of important information again!
*Has not been optimized for iPad yet